See Steven upside-down (mostly, anyways)

I'm sorry that these pictures aren't very clear. I'm still working on getting my capturing process a little better, thanks to Diamond I have had to wait for ONE YEAR for drivers for my capture board to come along. They promise them by the middle of this month (August 1996), and sure I don't believe them, but hey, one can always hope.
In any case, each one of these images can be clicked on to see a larger version. I'll try to adjust the brightness and contrast levels on the images that you can make me out and what I'm doing a bit better, but except for the stale and sadplant inverts, I think most of them are fairly clear. I shot this video with my friends on August 3rd, 1996.
Mute Invert
A mute invert.
Mute Invert
Another mute invert.
Mute Invert
Yes, another mute invert! This one's a bit tweaked.
Phillips 66
Phillips 66
Sadplant Invert
A sad plant. (or is that a sadplant?)
Stale Invert
A stale invert
Tweaked Mute Invert Another (more tweaked) mute invert

Now that you're thoroughly bored, go back to my inline skating page.